Schera Wyss

 A classic survival horror game in a unique and nightmarish setting. Tank controls, fixed camera, low ammo and THICK atmosphere.

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 Bad circumstances and unwelcoming hosts are nothing new to a transient lifter like you.

 When the Spire picked you up, you thought it was a way home.​ But something went wrong this time.

 The Spire broke from the herd, venturing far off course, carrying its passengers deep into the accursed swamp.

 And then — miles from help or hope — the Spire grinds to a halt. Someone has gone overboard.

 The herd continues on without you, as the pilgrims call to their god for help.

 But it isn't their god that answers...

(Developed in 6 weeks. The team was bb Tombo, Catherine Brinegar, Flan Falacci, Nic Freeman, Shane Yach & me)

Website & content by Schera Wyss.

About Me   -   Twitter   -   E-MAIL ME: schera [at] scherazard [dot] com