Schera Wyss

  A gallery-only game developed for an art show in Squamish, British Colombia.

  Played with a special controller with 2 joysticks, 16 face buttons, and 2 side buttons.

  The game is played from first-person perspective, with the second joystick controlling a large USB cord that the player carries.

  The game begins with the player entering their own body. Inside, they find a large screen with an AI character on it. By connecting their USB cord to the port near the screen, the player can communicate using the face buttons. Each face button makes a different 'letter', and any combination of three letters makes a 'sentence'. Each sentence creates an affective response in the AI, changing his expression, animation, and verbal response. If the player disconnects from the USB port and walks around the body, the interior will be different depending the AI's 'mood'.

Website & content by Schera Wyss.

About Me   -   Twitter   -   E-MAIL ME: schera [at] scherazard [dot] com